Novi Styleguide
Source of truth of this template.
Heading H1 · 60px · 1.2 · Bold 700

Children are our future

Children are our future
Heading H2 · 48px · 1.2 · Bold 700

Children are our future

Children are our future
Heading H3 · 40px · 1.3 · Bold 700

Children are our future

Children are our future
Heading H4 · 24px · 1.5 · Bold 700

Children are our future

Children are our future
Heading H5 · 20px · 1.5 · Bold 700
Children are our future
Children are our future
Heading H6 · 16px · 1.5 · Bold 700
Children are our future
Children are our future
Subtitle 1 · 26px · 1.5 · Regular 400
Children are our future
Subtitle 2 · 20px · 1.5 · Bold 700
Children are our future
Subtitle 3 · 14px · 1.5 · Regular 400
Children are our future
Text Span
Children are our future
rich text element
Basic nested HTML Tags

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

  • The rich text element allows you to create and format headings
  • Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions
  • A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content.
color palette
Button Primary / Big
Button Primary / Big + Icon Right
Button Primary / Big + Icon Center
Button Primary / Small
Button Primary / Small + Icon Right
Button Primary / Small + Icon Center
Button Secondary / Big
Button Secondary / Big + Icon Right
Button Secondary / Big + Icon Center

our  team

Oddny Gumaer
Chief of Communications officer

For over 30 years, Oddny’s most fulfilling work has been showing compassion and calling...

For over 30 years, Oddny's most fulfilling work has been showing compassion and calling others to care for and help the youngest victims of war. Oddny is an accomplished writer, public speaker, and columnist with a Master of Arts in Transformational Development who applies her talent to supporting children marginalized by conflict and oppression.

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Steve Gumaer
Board Member (Voting)
Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer

Steve has dedicated his life to helping children in war-torn communities. For more than 3 de...

Steve has dedicated his life to helping children in war-torn communities. For more than 3 decades he has worked to deliver relief, aid, and programs to support families uprooted by war in SE Asia, the Middle East, and Ukraine. He has a Master’s Degree in Transformational Development, is an EMT, and loves his team, ethos and work the The Novi Community is doing to help children

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Jon Peerbolt
Director of Operations, USA

After working remotely for a year, Jon lived for a year in Ukraine supporting the dev...

After working remotely for a year, Jon lived for a year in Ukraine supporting the development ofNovi’s programs for children and teens. He and his wife Hanna have moved back to his home inMichigan to manage the growth of Novi’s work in the USA. Jon is passionate about reachingchildren in hard to access places and helping them laugh, play, and experience childhood asthey should.

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Hans Christian Kvale
General Manager, Norway

Hans Christian manages Novi Stiftelsen (Novi foundation in Norway) which works...

Hans Christian manages Novi Stiftelsen (Novi foundation in Norway) which works as anadvocacy and fundraising location for international operations. He has supported efforts to aidfamilies displaced by war for 3 years and has an M.S. in Multicultural leadership and teammanagement.

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Sasha Riabyi
National Director, Ukraine

Sasha has 20 years of experience working in relief and development, with a talent for...

Sasha has 20 years of experience working in relief and development, with a talent for buildingthriving grassroots communities that care for people in need. He leads with a personablewarmth, and a commitment to action and accountability. Sasha holds an M.A. in InternationalLaw. Sasha manages Novi Ukraine, a government registered NGO with a large cohort ofvolunteers.

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Hundreds of brave people serve with Novi and local organizations in the most dangerous placeshave become our closest partners. They have accelerated our reach and effectiveness in warzones where risk is high and the opportunities to help children living there are abundant.

Preston Button
National Director, Ukraine

Preston has been working in Kyiv serving as a teacher at New Generation school and...

Preston has been working in Kyiv serving as a teacher at New Generation school and helpingwith program support in Kyiv and front line towns where Novi teams train parents andprofessionals to work with children using methods of trauma informed care.

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board members

Tammy Lowry
Board Chairperson (Voting, Independent)
Board Term: 2022 - Present

With 25 years working in executive human resource management, Tammy brings a mult...

With 25 years working in executive human resource management, Tammy brings a multi-cultural perspective to the relationship between people and results. She has a Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology.

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Julie Edwards
Board member (Voting, Independent)
Board Term: 2022 - Present

Julie has managed her family business for 30 years. She brings a value for creating practic...

Julie has managed her family business for 30 years. She brings a value for creating practical systems for long-term success and stability. She has a Master of Arts degree.

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Link Grimes
Board Secretary (Voting, Independent)
Board Term: 2022 - Present

Holding an M.A. in Law, Link has 30 years practicing law and managing his firm. He...

Holding an M.A. in Law, Link has 30 years practicing law and managing his firm. He brings a unique blend of critical thinking, attention to detail, and optimism to the team.

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Mary Beth Anton
Board Treasurer (Voting, Independent)
Board Term: 2023 - Present

Mary Beth has 30 years experience in pastoral ministry in many congregations...

Mary Beth has 30 years experience in pastoral ministry in many congregations. She was a school chaplain for 11 years and most recently she worked with the Women in Ministry Initiative at Princeton Theological Seminary. She holds an MDiv, from Princeton Theological Seminary and is passionate about helping vulnerable people.

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Sverre Solverson
Board Chairperson (Voting, Independent)

Sverre is a nurse and holds an MBA. He also has broad experience from various...

Sverre is a nurse and holds an MBA. He also has broad experience from various positions within the pharmaceutical industry. In addition to this he is also dedicated to bring help and support for the poor and needy around the world.

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Marianne Berg Slettahjell
Board member (Voting, Independent)

Bio coming soon...

Bio coming soon!

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Siv-Margrethe Solberg Grimstad
Board Members (Voting, Independent)

Bio coming soon...

Bio coming soon!

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