Give now and help restore childhoods disrupted by war. 450 million children live in conflict zones worldwide. They are our mission.

Help children of war and make a positive impact on innocent victims suffering the consequences of conflicts they did not create. By contributing to the Novi community, you provide for children who are often deprived of basic needs like safety, education, and nutrition, and who experience violence, displacement, and emotional trauma.

With your support, we can mitigate the long-term effects of war on children, giving them a brighter future and building  a more peaceful and stable world.

In Norway

For residents of Norway, donations are available in Norwegian payment systems. Please visit

Financial statements, annual reports

Novi is transparent and accountable. We provide our annual report and Form 990 to the public, so you can see how your contributions are being used to make a difference. Trust and community are important to us, and we believe transparency and accountability are essential in building them.

Support Novi, and your contributions will be used effectively to help children affected by war.

privacy and security

The Novi Community is a 501 (c) 3 public charity. All donations are tax-deductible in the United States. Careful stewardship matters at Novi, and when donations exceed program needs or when war or local instability prevents program execution, we will direct funds to similar activities

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At Novi, we understand that the privacy and security of your personal information is an important issue to you and we are committed to protecting it. Our privacy policy provides transparency and precise documentation on how we collect, process and store your personal information.